Small Estate Affidavit forms
Arkansas Affidavit of Small Estate Form
Arkansas Small Estate Affidavit Form Download

Arkansas is a Southern US state with abundant wilderness, parks, and hot springs. Arkansas state also borders with the great Mississippi River. The Arkansas state has small estate laws that enable a person to claim the property of a decedent by filing an affidavit of small estate. If the estate is valued at $10,000 or less, you can use small estate affidavit for its collection and transfer. But, a summary can be used for the property with a value equal to or less than $100,000. One thing worth mentioning is that the process can only be initiated 45 days after the death of the owner of the property in Arkansas State. For an affidavit, you do not need to go to the court while for the summary you will have to submit it to the court. A legal heir of the decedent property can submit an affidavit of small estate if there is no petition pending in the court for the collection and distribution of the property.
Arkansas Affidavit of Small Estate FormAffidavit of Small Estate for Arkansas
County of: ___________
State of: Arkansas
This Affidavit of the small estate is executed for the purpose of establishing [AFFIANT NAME] as a legal heir for the herein mentioned estate of the Decedent.
- The decedent [DECEDENT NAME], has died on [DATE OF DEATH], in the county of [COUNTY] and State of [STATE].
- The decedent passed away [days elapsed] days ago.
- An attested copy of the death certificate of the decedent is attached to this document.
- I [HEIR’S NAME], am an heir to the decedent’s estate which has no will attributed to it and is not under administration by any court of [STATE].
- There is no other individual who has been deemed eligible for the transfer of decedent’s estate mentioned herein.
- List of all Property Included in the estate
The overall value of all estate combined is: ____________________
I reside at ___________________ , ________________ , _________________. [RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS]
I can be contacted through my Phone number: [PHONE NUMBER] or email address: [EMAIL ADDRESS].
Affiant’s Signature______________________
Notary Signature_______________________
My commission Expires:__________________
(Notary Seal)__________________________