Codicil Form

Codicil Form – Codicil to Will Form

Codicil Template and form

A codicil is a legalized way of making an amendment to the last will. It allows changes to be made in the original will, through a codicil form. This form is generally also utilized to process the codicil addition and get them filed with the last will. With a codicil, you can alter the provisions in the last will you were unsatisfied with, add new ones or cancel the ones made in the original.

This is, to put in simply, a legal form that allows amendments to the will. Old provisions can be changed, add new ones or remove previous ones, without having to write the whole will from the beginning. A codicil can also be utilized as a supplement to your last will.


A codicil in simple terms is a legal document if you need to make additions or modifications within a will. Codicils can be drawn up a codicil if you want to change, alter or retract the previous terms and clauses of a will instead of rewriting the will from the scratch. You can also use it as an extension to your previous will if needed.

Codicil Definition: a supplementary legalized document to make an ammendment to the last will by adding new provisions, removing or amending old ones, or the whole will.

Codicil provides a legal method to make alterations to the terms in your will, you, the will-maker ‘Testator’ can make changes to the last will, either completely or in parts, at any time, as long as you can be assumed to be mentally stable. Then when should an individual create a codicil and when would it be for the best to write the whole will entirely?

Working as a supplement, a codicil can be utilized for many purposes: it can help in adding or removing a beneficiary or the related estates to be distributed. Since the codicil contains, explanations of the part changed, the latest will is assumed to contain all of the remaining required provision.

These documents might also assist you in keeping your will, to your required standard at all times. You can add in changes to your will through a codicil, with the changes you go through in your life. If you’re getting married or having a kid, or perhaps even, you just want to clarify a certain provision, then you can issue a codicil and add or clear up the terms.

However, at certain times, it is definitely more effective to create a new will, rather than supplementing the old one with a codicil.

Where to download the Codicil Form?

You can download a Codicil template here, in the attachment section available just below this article, in both the word and PDF format.

What amendments can you make in Codicil?

This is an effective medium to make little alterations to your original will. You can decide to disinherit an individual based on their current behavior with you.

Through the Codicil form, you can affect the related party in a particular way, mentioned below:

  • Beneficiaries, executors (learn more about these specified individuals) and trusts; nomination and removal.
  • Name conditional beneficiaries.
  • Name the guardians of your children, either old, new, unconfirmed or partly.
  • You can add or remove beneficiaries, including living trusts or testamentary trusts.
  • Include or exclude specified bequest or its related beneficiaries.
  • This form also plays a role in the estate assets, while depicting to whom the properties would be given to.

How to add a Codicil to the Last Will?

The first step for this would be to: make one yourself, or get a lawyer draft it for you. While drafting a codicil, you would have to be careful about the terms you’ve written, because if they contradict with the will, the original will may get ‘invalidated’.

The codicil would then have to be signed by two witnesses to be accepted, the witnesses do not have to be the ones that were involved in the will.

You can also make it a little easier for your heirs by bringing in your witnesses and making them certified in the section titled: “self-proved”. This way, in the future, your beneficiaries wouldn’t have to show the judge that the will was amended on your own accord.

The codicil and the will might be attached together, or the will might get reprinted with the codicil adjusted accordingly. All prior forms of the will, without the codicil will be invalidated.

Can someone with Power of Attorney add a Codicil?

Even if someone has the power of attorney, they cannot make alterations to the will. This means, that your family or friends with this authority cannot add, remove or make a new will, using your name. If there are changes to be made in the will, then the Testator has to be of sound mind, both in terms of stability and intention

Can a Codicil invalidate the Last Will?

After you’ve attached a codicil, all the prior wills are being considered invalid, as the will and the codicil, alone, will be depicting the terms of your new will. Similarly, codicil made in the near future will invalidate all the other versions of the will that do not include them.

If your codicil is a separate document then you should keep both the documents, your will, and codicil, together.

Can a Codicil revoke a Last Will?

The will with the added codicil becomes the authoritative will, while the codicil then invalidates all its prior versions. The will-maker can then even head the old wills with the title ‘revoked’ and get them archived, for future references. If you do store them, make sure to title them as revoked so that they aren’t misunderstood as the latest authoritative version. It would be better to let the related people know that the will has been updated and the old ones were revoked. In case, the authoritative version goes missing or gets destroyed, after your passing, your revoked wills will be used as the basis, by the judge, to ascertain your intentions.

New will or Codicil? Decide here

Recently, with the upgrade in technology, codicils are not as useful as they were once. Wills can now be easily scanned and edited through the computers, without having to take the pains to rewrite them by hand or a typist.

This is why; most people just find it better to create a new will, instead of editing the provisions through a codicil. Just like a codicil, this new will revoke all the other versions, while it may also give in specific benefits.

How to add beneficiaries in a Codicil?

You can increase the properties, assets and the beneficiaries, by updating your will, because the situation at the time you might have written the original may have been different than the one you were in now. Writing in a new will is a better option than a codicil, as it offers the right intricacy required for the subject,

Is Codicil a Complex addition to a Last Will?

A codicil may help you clarify the current terms of your original will, but unlike a codicil, writing out a new will removes the chances of having loose ends. It’s compact. Having a codicil, might on the other hand, even lead to confusion, if the terms in them, contradict with the will as a whole.

Can you add Codicil to a lost will?

You might be able to write a codicil for a will that has gone missing. In such cases, however, depending on your circumstances, the codicil might not be considered as valid in court or may even be considered as the only valid portion of your will. So if your current will and all its copies have gone missing, then the best option is to write out a new will.
