Affidavit of Loss

Affidavit of Loss for ID, LICENSE, Passport and Work ID (Free Download Affidavit of Loss Template)

Affidavit of Loss Format, Template and Sample (Affidavit of Government ID Loss, Affidavit of School ID Loss, Affidavit of Work ID Loss)

The affidavit of loss is a kind of an affidavit signed by an affiant for the purpose of reporting the lost document such as ID, license, passport, legally. The affidavit of the lost identity card is mostly used to request the re-issuance of the ids.

The affidavit of Loss has the following types:

  • Affidavit of loss for the school ID
  • Affidavit of loss for Government ID
  • Affidavit of loss for work ID
  • Affidavit of loss for Passport
  • Affidavit of loss for License
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Affidavit of Loss Form (School ID Loss Affidavit)

Under State Laws: (State Name)
Country Name: (goes here)
Purpose of Affidavit: (goes here)
Date: (goes here)

I, _______________________________, Citizenship, with legal age _____, and permanent resident of ___________________, under the law hereby sworn, dispose and state that:

    1. My school identity number _________ with issuance from ___________________.
    2. On following date ___________________, and following location ________________________, discovered that my school identity card was lost.
    3. Even after diligent attempts of search, I could not locate nor find my school identity card and think it is lost truly.
    4. Therefore, I am filing this affidavit of loss for all the legal purposes it may serve for the replacement and re-issuance of my school identity card.

Signature of Affiant: ________________________________

Notary Signature & Stamp: ___________________________

Affidavit of Loss Form (Government ID Loss Affidavit)

Under State Laws: (State Name)
Country Name: (goes here)
Purpose of Affidavit: (goes here)
Date: (goes here)

I, _______________________________, Citizenship, with legal age _____, and permanent resident of ___________________, under the law hereby sworn, dispose and state that:

    1. My Government identity number _________ with issuance from ___________________.
    2. On following date ___________________, and following location ________________________, discovered that my Government identity card was lost.
    3. Even after diligent attempts of search, I could not locate nor find my Government identity card and think it is lost truly.
    4. Therefore, I am filing this affidavit of loss for all the legal purposes it may serve for the replacement and re-issuance of my Government identity card.

Signature of Affiant: ________________________________

Notary Signature & Stamp: ___________________________

Affidavit of Loss for Passport

Under State Laws: (State Name)
Country Name: (goes here)
Purpose of Affidavit: (goes here)
Date: (goes here)

I, _______________________________, Citizenship, with legal age _____, and permanent resident of ___________________, under the law hereby sworn, dispose and state that:

    1. My Passport number _________ with issuance from ___________________.
    2. On following date ___________________, and following location ________________________, discovered that my Passport was lost.
    3. Even after diligent attempts of search, I could not locate nor find my Passport and think it is lost truly.
    4. Therefore, I am filing this affidavit of loss for all the legal purposes it may serve for the replacement and re-issuance of my Passport.

Signature of Affiant: ________________________________

Notary Signature & Stamp: ___________________________

Affidavit of Loss for Lost License

Under State Laws: (State Name)
Country Name: (goes here)
Purpose of Affidavit: (goes here)
Date: (goes here)

I, _______________________________, Citizenship, with legal age _____, and permanent resident of ___________________, under the law hereby sworn, dispose and state that:

    1. My License number _________ with issuance from ___________________.
    2. On following date ___________________, and following location ________________________, discovered that my License was lost.
    3. Even after diligent attempts of search, I could not locate nor find my License and think it is lost truly.
    4. Therefore, I am filing this affidavit of loss for all the legal purposes it may serve for the replacement and re-issuance of my License.

Signature of Affiant: ________________________________

Notary Signature & Stamp: ___________________________